
php-pecl-xmlrpc - Functions to write XML-RPC servers and clients

Website: https://pecl.php.net/package/xmlrpc
License: PHP-3.01 AND MIT
Vendor: Remi's RPM repository <https://rpms.remirepo.net/> #StandWithUkraine
These functions can be used to write XML-RPC servers and clients.
You can find more information about XML-RPC at http://www.xmlrpc.com/,
and more documentation on this extension and its functions at

The extension is unbundled from php-src as of PHP 8.0.0, because the underlying
libxmlrpc has obviously been abandoned. It is recommended to reevaluate using
this extension.

Package built for PHP 8.4.


php-pecl-xmlrpc-1.0.0~rc3-10.el8.remi.8.4.x86_64 [52 KiB] Changelog by Remi Collet (2024-01-29):
- adapt tests for new libxml
php-pecl-xmlrpc-1.0.0~rc3-3.el8.remi.8.3.x86_64 [62 KiB] Changelog by Remi Collet (2023-08-24):
- build out of sources tree

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-16.el8.sme