system environment/libraries

compat-openssl10 - Compatibility version of the OpenSSL library

License: OpenSSL
Vendor: Rocky
The OpenSSL toolkit provides support for secure communications between
machines. This version of OpenSSL package contains only the libraries
and is provided for compatibility with previous releases and software
that does not support compilation with OpenSSL-1.1.


compat-openssl10-1.0.2o-4.el8_6.i686 [989 KiB] Changelog by Clemens Lang (2022-05-04):
- Fix CVE-2022-0778: Infinite loop in BN_mod_sqrt() reachable when parsing certificates
  Resolves: rhbz#2077417
compat-openssl10-1.0.2o-4.el8_6.x86_64 [1.1 MiB] Changelog by Clemens Lang (2022-05-04):
- Fix CVE-2022-0778: Infinite loop in BN_mod_sqrt() reachable when parsing certificates
  Resolves: rhbz#2077417

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-16.el8.sme